Monday, October 27, 2008

Blue Jay

The jay reflects lessons in how to use personal power correctly and efficiently. They remind you to pay attention and not allow yourself to be placed in a position in which power is misused against you. Those with jay as a totem need to heed this warning.
The bright blue crest on the top of a blue jays head links it to father sky, reminding those with this totem that true power must be utilized with integrity and balance.

Jays are incredibly resourceful. This can represent a need within you to learn adaptability for survival with the least amount of effort. Since the jay doesn't usually migrate and stays around all winter, it serves as a teacher who will settle in and work with you as long as you need it.

Jays are fearless and have been known to gang up and drive away hawks and owls. They know how to play the game of life and succeed. Jays reflect great talent, but that talent must be developed and used properly. If the jay has flown into your life it indicates that you are moving into a time where you can begin to develop the innate wisdom that lies within you. Jay is willing to teach you fearlessness, adaptability and survival but you must be willing to follow its lead and become "power through presence."

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