Saturday, April 05, 2008

The Tower

Chaos ----- Sudden change ----- Impact ----- Hard times
Crisis ----- Revelation ----- Disruption ----- Realizing the truth
Disillusion ----- Crash ----- Burst ----- Uncomfortable experience
Downfall ----- Ruin ----- Ego blow ----- Explosive transformation

The Tower is the card of change that cannot be denied. Sometimes this change is forced upon us in a sudden flash of lightning, other times it guides us gently and slowly, step by step through gradual change, but it is change nonetheless.

If the Tower has appeared know that the situation will change. Specifically when it comes to relationships, the Tower indicates that here too it may be time for a change. The change may not be as drastic as a total break up or ending of the relationship, although that could be indicated. More often than not the Tower brings a change in attitude, a change in perception, a change in how we feel about ourselves that changes our attitudes about our lives and those with whom we share it.

The Tower signifies acceptance of the changes that we go through in our lives and can give guidance on how to navigate these changes with grace and dignity and love of self.

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